Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lobster Time - Margaree Harbour 2012

May 1 is the traditional day that lobster season starts . In 2012 it was delayed a day to May 2 due to bad weather . These photos are showing a bit of  the  preparation work  involved. The traps get hauled to the wharf , and every boat has their spot . If you look closely you will see square traps and the older  curved style .  
Each trap has to have a line of rope that then connects to another rope as they'll set their traps by joining several traps into a line and then there is a buoy at each end . 
The traps are loaded on the  boats very carefully so as to "balance" the weight and to not overload. 

We always see the first day of Lobster season as the beginning of  the nicest part of Spring .

Safe sailing,  or as some say , safe "steaming".   

The lobster season is from May 1 to June 30 for the area that includes boats from the Margaree Harbour wharf in  Belle Cote to the western tip of Northern Cape Breton .
Depending on the wharf , the boats will arrive with catches usually between 11 a.m and 2 p.m ; 
they'll  leave port every morning starting around 4 a.m. 

Its tough work, a trap  gains weight as the  water penetrates the wood over the season so say a dry trap is 30 pounds, after a few days in the water that  trap will be 60-70 pounds .

If you go to a wharf to visit , always give the fishermen their space to work.